Day Two Hundred And Ninety Six: Inside Out

A day off from the Stitch today. Mum insisted we needed to get everything sorted for my departure. I sat in bed for a long while beforehand. 

We do not go to the Roman mall. No interaction with my animatronic friends today. Instead we take a flight to the shopping center in one of the new sectors. They run a new type of service where you choose beforehand what you need. When you arrive, a robot brings out your selection, and you choose what to keep from there.

A trio of green spheres float towards us upon arrival. Our purchases roll out of their bellies. A sauce pan, a new hard drive. Pencils. Everything I need. 

So ends the journey. Your interaction with the building. You have your number, your spheres, and you whizz along the platform until you have your new belongings. No fun tunes. No owls to greet you with a smile and a wave. Just a sterile mix of drones. 

Where is the fun in that?  

I had asked for a cherry ice, and it sat in a chilled compartment next to my new chopsticks. No singing bear delivered my drink with a tune about move on. 

We do not leave much behind within their stomachs. Even with my new wage Mum is happy to hand over the cash for everything, and I know I am not grateful enough for this gesture. The thoughts of the fountains of the Roman mall made me close to tears. 

Going to the other planet was always such a treat. This was meant to be my fun little side year to build up funds, and experience the other side of the Stitch. But something hides in the corner of all those side streets. 

I received two messages on the way home. One from Jenny, saying she is excited to see me soon, and that we should have a pre-shuttle chat. The other from Deni, asking if I had seen the last pack of cigarettes they had left at work. A few seconds later they text me to confirm they found them.

Felt like my head was exploding, so I retreated to my bedroom upon our return. Looked at the beauty of the city out of the window. At the town. Time seemed both frozen, and running out. 

Mum left my pans outside my room. They have remained in the corridor all night. 

Clip: Another close up of a creature. Well, of several creatures. A huge eye. And more shadows. The audio does not match up, but still, there is something there. I wish for a few seconds more.