Drink #12: Keep The Lights On

The caterpillars have run out of juice, and I write this via the light of a fading electronic lantern, a stub of candle, and the glow of the compute screen. There is seven percent left on the battery. I know I said last week might be the last one. But this will be the last one.

You will have to forgive that this drink is not very elegant. That it is laced with necessity and regret. But there is no way I am missing cocktail week because the dead are knocking on the door. 

The hot sauce is insane, and has at least kept me awake. My lips are still on fire twenty minutes later. The vodka and ouzo were not my ideal choice of spirits, but their match was a happy coincidence. I lit the candle to get my measurements right, and the burning sulphur only adds to the flavour. Apologies for the weird use of a martini glass. It was the only one to hand that wasn’t broken. 

Drink with caution. Or with abandon. 

Good bye.


Martini glass


25ml Vodka

25ml Ouzo

1 slug of hot sauce

1 match 


Fill the bottom half of the martini glass with ouzo. Add a line of the hottest hot sauces you can find. Fill to the top with vodka.  Light a match, blow out, and drink the shot whilst the smell of sulphur is still in the air. 
