Drink #13: Times Change

The perfect drink for the end of the year. 

Sourcing the kiwis and and the lemon juice took most of this week. In remarkable luck a visitor had a few withered kiwis in their cabin, along with a third of a bottle of lemon juice. I sliced the fruit thinly, but this still only allowed had two goes to get it right. The photo was a murky blur on the first attempt. The second is below.

I am not sure when this became our drink of choice for the New Year. But it adds a bit of fun to sparking wine. And for our purposes, I like how the green at the bottom suggests the arrival of ew shoots.

Drink, and think what to achieve next year.


Prosecco glass



Half a Kiwi

One Sugar cube  

25ml Lemon juice

Slice of lemon peel


Put the sugar cube in the bottom of the glass, and add the lemon juice on top. Skin and add the kiwi, muddle, and top up with prosecco. Roll and drop in the lemon rind as a garnish. Enjoy at midnight. 
