Seven of Diamonds

I must admit I had my doubts about this week's task. Why bother with the card at all? Buy my idea struck me the second after completion. And there was something else as well. I'll explain next time.

I do like how this is a task with infinite variations. What mad ways could you twist the brief? How much pressure can a card take?

I greet these tasks like forks in the river, varying my route, but never stopping my journey. We move close to winter, and the end of my tasks. My final destination is close. 

Nos Da! And I say nos da as we are reaching the end of my book. But do not despair! Enjoy these moments we have together. If you have worked hard, soon you will be moving to another destination 

You might like to think of this week's brief as a portrait. You might think it is cheating. I do not care for the latter opinion. This is a chance to take something from the physical world, experiment until your imagination is stimulated, and create something new back in the physical plane. This is the closest task to the recipe. But be warned- do not eat yours cards! A barage of pain would ensure 

Find an object that will fit onto your card. This will depend on the size of the cards you have! You can pick any of the cards this month. Then think about the card as a frame. Think how the colours and shapes affect the object, and how your the pair change because of their connection. Think what it means for your object to be framed. Think how your card feels to be the home of something else.

Soon their bond will be your bond with this month’s creative piece. In a way you will have two pieces of art. You will understand how two different places can come together as one. 

Pwb luc! 
